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🛡️ A Shield for your Components, it handles when a component shows or not based on the user's role or by a custom condition that you provide. This avoids the use of the ternary operator on your JSX code.

Show By Condition#

When using a component by condition, you are only required to pass a boolean value to the showIf prop, a condition which returns true or false to determine if the components passed as children are going to be available or not.

return (  <ComponentShield showIf={condition ? true : false}>    <p>You are authorized</p>  </ComponentShield>)


You can provide a custom fallback which is going to be shown when the condition returns false

return (  <ComponentShield showIf={false} fallback={<p>You are unauthorized</p>}>    <p>You are authorized</p>  </ComponentShield>)

Show By User Role#

If you want to use ComponentShield for RBAC you must use the three following props:

  • RBAC: To tell you're going to use RBAC.
  • showForRole: The role who is going to have access to the children components.
  • userRole: The current auth user's role.

The logic is simple, if showForRole and userRole are not equal, returns null, if they are equal the components passed as children will be shown.

return (  <ComponentShield RBAC showForRole="ADMIN" userRole="ADMIN">    <p>You are an ADMIN</p>  </ComponentShield>)