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NextShield is designed to be used with TypeScript! you'll get some benefits like:

  • Enforces you to write the defined routes in the props and nothing more.
  • Type check in strings and arrays.
  • Accurate autocompletion.

Translate your project to TS#

  1. Install the TS dependencies: npm install --save-dev typescript @types/react @types/node.
  2. Create the file tsconfig.json in the root folder.
  3. Rename your file extension to tsx.
  4. Run the server with npx run dev.
  5. Now go to _app.tsx and add the types to the page:
import type { NextPage } from 'next'import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
const MyApp: NextPage<AppProps> = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {  return (    <NextShield      isAuth={true}      isLoading={false}      router={router}      privateRoutes={['/private', '/control-panel']}      publicRoutes={['/', '/login']}      accessRoute="/private"      loginRoute="/login"      LoadingComponent={<p>Loading...</p>}    >      <Component {...pageProps} />    </NextShield>  )}
export default MyApp
  1. I really encourage you to create a new component to configure NextShield, your _app.tsx will become a large file in other way. So, create a components directory with a component called Shield.tsx or other name you like.
  2. Import NextShield and NextShieldProps on that file.
  3. NextShieldProps require to define the public and private routes as generics, the first generic is for private and the second for public routes:
const shieldConfig: NextShieldProps<    ['/private', '/control-panel'],    ['/', '/login']  > = {...}
  1. Now you are forced to write the same routes on:
  • privateRoutes
  • publicRoutes
  • accessRoute
  • loginRoute
  • RBAC
  1. The final result should look like this:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'import { NextShield, NextShieldProps } from 'next-shield'
export function Shield({ children }: Props) {  const router = useRouter()
  const shieldConfig: NextShieldProps<['/private', '/control-panel'], ['/', '/login']> = {    router,    isAuth: true,    isLoading: false,    LoadingComponent: <p>Loading...</p>,    privateRoutes: ['/private', '/control-panel'],    publicRoutes: ['/', '/login'],    accessRoute: '/private',    loginRoute: '/login',  }
  return <NextShield {...shieldConfig}>{children}</NextShield>}
  1. And import the Shield component in the _app.tsx:
import type { NextPage } from 'next'import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import { Shield } from 'components/Shield'

const MyApp: NextPage<AppProps> = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {  return (    <Shield>      <Component {...pageProps} />    </Shield>  )}
export default MyApp

Congrats! You just got type safety code on your Shield. ๐Ÿ˜‰